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Category Archives: Cherokee County, Alabama

New transport offers better service for babies, parents

New transport offers better service for babies, parents

July 28, 2022–7:25 p.m. NEWS RELEASE More tiny infants who need lifesaving care can now be brought quickly to Floyd Medical Center, thanks to Atrium Health Floyd’snewNeonatal Intensive Care Transport. The specially equipped ambulance is designed for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients. The new vehicle can transport twins or a baby and the mother and additional family…read more

Chase started in Floyd County ends with arrests in Alabama

Chase started in Floyd County ends with arrests in Alabama

July 24, 2022–11:42 a.m. CHEROKEE COUNTY, ALABAMA SHERIFF’S OFFICE According to Cherokee County Sheriff Jeff Shaver, deputies conducted traffic safety checkpoints and performed saturated patrols in several communities Friday afternoon and evening. The focus this weekend was on north-end communities, including Boomtown, Berea, Blanche, and McCord’s Crossroads. Four arrests were made as a result of…read more

Centre Woman Fatally Injured Sunday Evening Crash on County Road 22 

Centre Woman Fatally Injured Sunday Evening Crash on County Road 22 

July 11th, 2022 – 4:20 PM WEIS Radio – (WEIS Radio reports:) A single-vehicle crash occurring around 6:20 Sunday evening (July 10th) has claimed the life of a Cherokee County woman.   Norma D. Richardson, 42 from Centre, was fatally injured when a 2008 Nissan Altima she was driving left the roadway, struck a culvert,…read more

Atrium Health Floyd helps students overcome pandemic delays

Atrium Health Floyd helps students overcome pandemic delays

July 3, 2022–9:25 p.m. NEWS RELEASE We, no doubt, will be talking about the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic for years to come. The resulting mental health issues, the toll on clinical caregivers, and the educational delays in young students all have gotten media attention. High school students experienced their own unique pandemic losses such…read more

[VIDEO] Ribbon-cutting held Thursday for Floyd helipad

[VIDEO] Ribbon-cutting held Thursday for Floyd helipad

June 23, 2022–7:56 p.m. STAFF REPORTS Although it has been in use for several weeks, Atrium Health Floyd, with the help of the Rome-Floyd County Chamber of Commerce officially dedicated the new helipad as the hospital on Thursday. Those in attendance got a tour of the raised helipad, which has direct elevator access to trauma…read more

Ribbon-cutting for Floyd helipad Thursday

Ribbon-cutting for Floyd helipad Thursday

June 22, 2022–6:34 p.m. STAFF REPORTS The new helipad at Floyd Medical Center will officially be dedicated Thursday afternoon during a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The helipad sits at the North Second Avenue entrance to the Emergency Care Center and has direct elevator access to trauma bays. It replaces Atrium Health Floyd’s helipad, which was on Riverside…read more

Atrium Health Floyd’s Will Byington earns key real estate designation

Atrium Health Floyd’s Will Byington earns key real estate designation

June 22, 2022–10:14 a.m. NEWS RELEASE Will Byington, director of real estate for Atrium Health Floyd, is now a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). CCIMs can help companies minimize risk, get the maximum return on investments, and make wiser business decisions. Candidates are required to complete extensive educational courses and pass a comprehensive exam. They…read more

Man charged with attempted robbery

Man charged with attempted robbery

June 9, 2022–12:36 p.m. FLOYD COUNTY JAIL RECORDS An Alabama man has been arrested in connection with an attempted robbery at the Dollar General in Coosa that occurred back on May 6. According to the arrest warrant, 38-year-old Jason Dewayne Dean walked into the store on Alabama Highway and demanded all the money from the…read more

Sonny Rigas retiring after 26 years with Floyd

Sonny Rigas retiring after 26 years with Floyd

June 4, 2022–6:38 p.m. NEWS RELEASE Sonny Rigas officially retired from Atrium Health Floyd on Friday, ending 26 years of service with the organization. Rigas served as an internal auditor at Floyd briefly in the 1980s. He then held administrative positions with other healthcare organizations before returning to Floyd in 1996. He was named executive…read more

Robot-assisted lung biopsy performed at Floyd Medical Center

Robot-assisted lung biopsy performed at Floyd Medical Center

June 2, 2022–5:51 p.m. NEWS RELEASE Floyd Medical Center now has a robot-assisted biopsy tool that can help doctors diagnose lung cancer earlier. Atrium Health Floyd’s first procedures using the new Intuitive Ion system were performed Tuesday. The device features an ultra-thin robotic catheter that can move 180 degrees in all directions. Physicians can navigate…read more