August 12, 2020–2:39 p.m.
Thursday will be a first day of school like no other, as a number of safety measures have been implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For Floyd County students and staff, face coverings are highly encouraged but not required.
The district will provide every student and staff member with a neck gaiter face covering.
Parents, guardians, and visitors will not be allowed in schools.
Entrance is restricted to business-essential and scheduled meetings only.
All high touch areas will be frequently sanitized, social distancing will be practiced, hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom and on every school bus, students will be subject to a temperature check upon arrival to school, and buses will be wiped down with a cleaner and sprayed with a sanitizer.
More information about the Floyd County Schools’ Return to Learn plan HERE.
The Rome City School System also has a number of COVID-19 prevention protocols.
○ Limit number of accessible entrances to building
○ Limit and temperature screen all non-RCS visitors; requirement to wear a mask
Athletics/Fine Arts
○ Follow GHSA guidelines for athletics
○ Follow state guidelines for group sizing for others such as band
○ No grade penalties for lack of participation in events
○ Employee attendance will follow the published guidelines for emergency sick leave and current RCS policies
for approved leave
○ Student attendance policy to remain the same
■ Appropriate documentation for any quarantines will suffice for medical notes
■ Attendance will be taken daily(elementary) and by class (secondary) for virtual learning-will create
○ Enhanced cleaning/sanitizing routines-provision of additional supplies
○ Improve ventilation in buildings as possible by HVAC
○ Possible additional temp staff for cleaning
○ Clean buses between routes and sanitize daily
○ Create informational flyers and videos parents, students, and for staff
○ Dedicated website page
○ Lessons taught to students/Signage throughout building in appropriate places
○ Provision of hand sanitizer in key areas (school entrance, buses, classrooms, etc.)
○ Water fountains will be replaced by water filling stations for bottles (small paper cup provision by teacher as
○ Recommend/Optional(Require in the beginning where there is lack of social/physical distancing capability)
○ District provision for those who want one
○ No self-serve buffets; Disposable trays and utensils
○ Individual items wrapped or in containers/Pre-packaged as feasible/available(Mixture of Hot and Cold meals)
○ Reduced seating in the cafeteria(rotation of classes) with grab and go for students to eat in
School Schedules
○ Alter start/stop times as well as instructional schedules to allow for longer periods of time for arrival,
dismissal, transitions, breakfast/lunch times, and recess
○ Daily temperature screening for employees as first school/students upon entry to school
○ Daily temperature screening for students before entry to bus and/or school
■ Bus riders ages 9 and older with a failed screening will be sent back home; parent/guardian will be
■ Bus riders ages 8 and under with a failed screening will be sent back home with parent/guardian or with
sibling age 13 and older; parent/guardian will be contacted
● Any student aged 8 and under who has a fever with no parent/guardian or sibling aged 13 or older
will be given a mask, assigned to the front seat, and report to the nurse upon arrival.
Social(Physical) distancing
○ As much as possible where possible
○ Remove extra furniture from classrooms to allow for more spacing of desks/Replace tables with desks where
○ Students riding bus will ride with maximum of 2 to a seat(depending on spread level)/children from same
household will sit together; additional routes
○ Modified recess/activity schedule to allow for separation and smaller groups
○ Marked flow paths
○ No large group gatherings
Social-Emotional Concerns
○ Continue with surveys for staff/students on concerns and needs
○ Clear communication of services available and covered by insurance and community resources(including
○ Counselors continue to check-in with students/provide small group sessions
○ Ensure Tier II PBIS supports
○ Focus on applicable teaching lessons at beginning of year
○ Increase access to mental health therapists in the schools; counselor availability
Student Supplies
○ Individual supplies brought from home and stored safely-No community supplies
○ District provision of additional supplies for students as needed
Symptomatic persons
○ Designated isolation area until students can be picked up
■ Assist with transportation for those unable to be picked up
○ Assist as needed for Employees/Students to get tested
○ Upon any positive tests-follow DPH guidance on quarantines and communication