March 26th, 2020 – 2:50 PM
Gordon County-
The numbers released by the Department of Public Health (DPH) as of today at noon confirm 1,525 positive cases now in Georgia which is up from 1,387 last night at 7 p.m. Deaths in the state of Georgia went from forty-seven cases at 7 p.m. up to forty-eight today at noon.
As for Gordon County, per the DPH, we remain at nine confirmed positive cases and one death as of today’s noon report. AdventHealth Gordon numbers reported today to Gordon County Emergency Management for cases tested at their facility are as follows: three positive results, twenty-one negative results and nineteen pending results. Just as a reminder, DPH cases are assigned to each county by the address of the resident, not where they were tested. Also, this is all the information that has been shared with Gordon County as due to HIPPA laws we do not know the names of any patients or fatalities.
We also want to take this time to report some good news for most of you which is the arrival of sunshine and warmer temperatures over the next few days in Gordon County. However, we do want to ask our citizens to remain vigilant to COVID-19 guidelines as you possibly plan activities to enjoy this beautiful weather. Social distancing is still a key factor in controlling this virus so please keep distances of at least six feet from others and keep gatherings to below the threshold of ten people. Do yard work, enjoy a bike ride, clean the garage, go for a hike or go for a walk but please remember to do this responsibly and with yours and everyone else health in mind.
Remember to continue to wash hands often, cover your cough and practice the aforementioned social distancing. As always we ask everyone to continue to pray for our community, our state, and our nation. We will continue to update as information changes and becomes available.