October 12th, 2020 – 6:45 AM
Gordon County Sheriff’s Office –
After receiving a number of citizen complaints regarding the unlawful furnishing of alcohol and/or tobacco/vaping products to underaged persons, the Gordon Sheriff’s Office initiated an investigation into activities at Rainbow Corner convenience store at Dews Pond near Sonoraville, and Ginger’s Grocery near Calhoun.
Gordon County Sheriff Mitch Ralston Reports that deputies and detectives executed search and arrest warrants at both businesses. At Rainbow Corner, deputies arrested Bhilhabhai (a/k/a ‘Bob‘) Patel, age 53, and Krupal Patel, age 45, both of 144 Regency Lane, Calhoun. They are both charged with allegedly Furnishing Alcohol to Underage Persons, and Furnishing Vaping Products to Underage Persons. Detectives seized the store’s video recording system pursuant to the search warrant.
Next, deputies executed search and arrest warrants at Ginger’s Grocery on Dews Pond Road. They arrested Maden Katel, age 33, of 381 Jolley Road, Calhoun. He is charged with allegedly Furnishing Vaping Products to an Underage Person. Detectives seized this store’s video recording system pursuant to a search warrant as well.
All 3 defendants are were booked into the County Jail pending bond. Bhilhabhai (‘Bob’) Patel is serving a sentence of probation from a previous felony conviction in Gordon County Superior Court.