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Legislation regarding vaping could be on the way

October 7, 2019–8:11 a.m.


We could see legislative action this January regarding vaping and e-cigarettes.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, two lawmakers plan to introduce bills during the upcoming session of the Georgia General Assembly.

It’s unclear how their bill would limit vaping, but possibilities include banning the sale of flavored products or restricting advertising targeted at children.

Dan Falcitelli with Floyd Against Drugs was a guest last week on WRGA’s Talk of the Town and he spoke about youth vaping.

“According to the Centers for Disease Control, e-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among our youth now,” he said.  “In 2018, more than 3.6 million U.S. middle and high school students were using them.  Here’s another problem, among current e-cigarette users ages 18 to 24, 40% have never been cigarette smokers.”

And it’s not just nicotine that young people are vaping.

“As of September 27 of this year, the CDC suspects that vaping THC, the compound in marijuana, is tied to hundreds of lung illnesses and at least 12 deaths,” Falcitelli said.

There has been one death reported in Georgia linked to vaping.

US Department of Health and Human Services photo